Tuesday 14 September 2010

The commies are coming, the commies are coming! And they're bringing Oakeshott, ice & death duties!

Here is a Northern Rivers resident (published in The Daily Examiner yesterday) who obviously believed everything Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop said during the August 2010 federal election campaign and during the formation of the minority government:

Australia takes a lurch to the left

WELL, it looks like Australia has its first communist government.
As for this climate change tripe - climate change has been occurring since time began.
I have heard that there is more ice than a few years ago in the sea leading down to the South
Pole, not less.
So, what's going on?
Why don't they tell us the truth just for once?
Don't forget the Liberal mob got over 600,000 more votes in the election than the other mob, not the other way around.
Labor also lost about 15 seats.
God only knows what Julia Gillard promised the two turncoats to support her in this new parliament.
Did they take into consideration the new mining tax?
Talk about killing the hen that laid the golden eggs - bringing back death duty.
Or were they just thinking about this broadband rot?
Has anyone been told just how much it is going to cost to get this broadband into your home?
Will it be hundreds or thousands of dollars?
The Labor Party has just had three years stuffing up Australia.
Now it is going to get three more years to complete the job.
The Australian voters did not elect Julia Gillard; the two turncoats gave her the job.
Robert Oakeshott only thinks he is prime minister.

Junction Hill

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